ashley's life on earth

I use this to share what the Lord is doing here on earth for His Glory in my life. "Life on earth is not about life on earth."

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Just a quick update...

Things in Fort Worth are going well. It's been a little bit since I just updated. I am getting ready to start my 3rd semester of grad school. I am finishing up a rough summer of Stat and Family Diversity. It's been really great to watch how the Lord uses school to teach me about myself and more importantly about Himself. While my diversity class was challenging, the Lord really opened up my eyes and allowed me to see the world through His perspective and challenged many of my assumptions. This Fall should be really wonderful. I am taking Communication in Marriage and Family and Child Guidance. So my projected graduation date is May 2008, but I try to just think in semesters. Thinking that far ahead is a little overwhelming.

Work is going alright. We are still in the midst of a lot of changes and limbo at the moment. Hopefully by year's end thing will really have some stability. I'm ready for that. I'm really enjoying my fellowship at Christ Fellowship. The women of my cell group are truly amazing. There is a wonderful connection between all of us, and it has been a blessing to connect with these women on many levels. I think that I'm going to be doing children's ministry in the Fall. I'm excited about having some kid time. I've been ready for kid time for a long time!

Other than that, life is moving and grooving as usual. God is definitely capturing my heart daily. I am learning to trust and surrender - a lesson that I may learn for the rest of my life. It's getting easier to lay it down and choose Him, and I'm beginning to feel peace more than ever before. The Lord has placed a very challenging circumstance of waiting in front of me that has required more faith and trust than I knew that I had. God is all about bringing glory to Himself. He receives it the most when we are on our knees and surrendering ourselves and our will. Laying it down...all of it... It's all about Him!

Let me this day know thee as thou art,
love the supremely,
serve the wholly,
admire the fully.
Through grace let my will respond to thee,
Knowing that the power to obey is not in me,
but that thy free love alone enables me to serve thee.

"Morning", The Valley of Vision


  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger Will said…

    So after May '08 I'll probably just call you Dr. Ashley. Cool?


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