ashley's life on earth

I use this to share what the Lord is doing here on earth for His Glory in my life. "Life on earth is not about life on earth."

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A different story

So things have changed drastically in my life since I last posted. Some of you probably aren't surprised by the news. Things in the last year have been a rollercoaster for me in many ways. The difference about this drastic change in my life is that in this loss, I gained... I gained my identity in Jesus Christ. I was single for 2 years before the Lord opened a that door is closed after a short amount of time...and I'm single again. I'm a single woman, though, with a belief and trust in Him like never before. I could never explain it to you in a blog, or even tell you the story, you'd just have to see it. In the two years before this open and then closed door, the Lord worked in my heart in POWERFUL ways. For the first time in my life, I wake up in the morning saying "I am yours, Lord," rather than saying it at night. I live my life differently, consecrating my heart and my will to Him daily, sometimes hourly. I have learned some valuable Truth through all of this... Life changes everyday...the journey lose people, you lose heart, you lose innocence...but you gain Life, Wisdom, and Love...and Hope...and Faith. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!" Hebrews... OH HOW TRUE THAT IS!!! Praise Him for being and unchanging, ever-present, glorious God! I'm a blessed woman.