ashley's life on earth

I use this to share what the Lord is doing here on earth for His Glory in my life. "Life on earth is not about life on earth."

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Isn't it funny how when the Lord is really trying to tell you to do something He will make it so blatantly obvious that you finally begin to listen. I was in CS this weekend. (more about that later) So since I was there, I worshipped at Central this morning. I don't think I realized how much I missed that church until I walked in this morning. It is just nice to be comfortable in your place of worship. I sat with Sarah and Josh Seefeldt. It was an incredible time of worship. Then Chris preached on 1 Peter 4: 14, 15. Wow, it was so clear. He talked about how the central need in a lost person's life is a relationship with Christ, but the central need in a Christian's life is fellowship with Christ. The only way to reach that fellowship is through genuine repentance. OH how true this is! He went on to say that repentance is agreeing with God not only in with your words, but also in your actions. If you say that you know that something is wrong, but you decide to take the suffering you will experience and do it anyway, you are disagreeing with God. Yes, you may still go to Heaven, but you are not suffering for the Lord's glory and in His name now. You are suffering because of the suffering you brought on yourself. So there was more to the sermon, but I heard "REPENT".

Then I attended Freedom. I got to talk to some of my dearest friends. I attended Josh and Sarah's Sunday school class. They are teaching on the Parables. It was incredibly interesting. We went over Luke 15. Again we see the Lord speaking that there is joy in the presence of the ages of God over one sinner that repents. In the first 2 parables of the chapter, the sheep and the coin are inanimate objects that do nothing but are found or led back to the Lord. In the Prodigal Son, we see a man that chooses to turn from his evil ways, is willing to give up his sonship to his father, to go and just be with his father again. We see a father that not only embraces his son but rejoices over his son with no judgment or anger. Perfect love. It is amazing when you learn about something so clearly, that you begin to see the sin in your life that you never saw before. Perfect love.

The weekend was amazing. I got to see Alisha. We swam and hung out on Saturday afternoon before the wedding reception for my cousin that got married in Mexico. It was fun to see Alisha and catch up. Got to see and talk with all the Lombardi's for a while. The reception was fun. Family always is. I was a DD for the evening along with my mom and dad, and after about 4 hours of watching the family drink themselves to sheer embarrassment, I gladly drove my aunt and uncle back to the hotel. It was truly a sad state of affairs. But I had just as much fun with no alcohol in me dancing to Footloose! You gotta love that song. The little kids were the most fun. So after a long ride home in the car making frequent stops at the little road side fruit/veggie stands, I am finally home. I am prepared for another week of exciting times at the hospital. There is a few parties, a few interviews, my own special event, and a patient talent show :) on the calendar. Should be a good week. I am also going to try and hook up with Damaris Johnson and Whitney Andrews this week. That should be fun!

Have a good week friends. :)


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